Elf Squad Parents Night Out
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! ‘Tis the season for some energetic fun! Nothing beats ourBRAND NEW Elf Squad! PNO. An EXCITING story of the evil imposter Santa Claus aimed to destroyChristmas forever! It’s your student’s sworn duty to protect, preserve, and SAVE Christmas! Packed with a BUNCH of fun activities your students WON’T want to miss this one!
Check out what’s included!
-Class outline (Includes step-by-step instructions for all10activities)
-Weekly Action Planner (step-by-step marketing planner)
-3 Facebook Ad images
-3 Instagram Images
-3 Instagram Story Images
-2 Animated GIFs
-Email Templates
-Social Media Post Templates
-Professional Video Teaser Ad
-11 Audio Tracks
-Video tutorial for each activity